travel medicare insurance

  • visitors care insurance

Welcome to Patriot American Insurance Plan

If travelling is your passion, we strive to make it awesome! We are your helping partners to aid you for coping with unforeseen and unexpected situation. Patriot American Insurance Plan provides options for international traveler. The plan is specially designed to provide short term health insurance requirements for visitors while travelling overseas. We provide you a wide range of medical and non medical expenses during overseas visit. This insurance plan will surely benefit non-US foreign nationals, visitors and temporary residents. The coverage can be taken for a minimum of 5 days and for maximum 24 months. If the plan is purchased for a minimum of one month, the coverage may be renewed (without any break) for a total of 2 years.


Plan : 1 Patriot America Travel Medical Insurance - Short-Term Travel/Visitors Medical Insurance for Individuals & Families

Patriot America Insurance provides coverage for Non-U.S. citizens foreign nationals (Parents and relatives), including international visitors, or temporary residents) traveling outside their home country for a minimum of five days up to a maximum of two years. If the plan is purchased for a minimum of one month, coverage may be renewed (without break in coverage) for a total of up to two years.

Patriot Travel America Insurance BENEFITS

  • Non-US Citizens traveling to USA/Worldwide
  • US Citizens traveling Abroad (Excl. Home Country)
  • Your choice of deductible: from $0 to $2,500
  • PPO Network: 90% up to $5,000 & then 100% coverage
  • Outside US & Canada: 100% coverage after your deductible
  • Outside PPO: 80% up to $5,000 & then 100% coverage
  • Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation included
  • No Age Limit & No Medical Exam required
  • Obtain INSTANT ID CARDS by applying ONLINE!
  • Immediate coverage after departing home country

Brochure Rates PDF Application Get Quote/Buy Online


Patriot America provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country for a minimum of five days up to a maximum of two years. If the plan is purchased for a minimum of one month, coverage may be renewed (without break in coverage) for a total of up to two years.

Options: Other lower and Higher deductible options available as following to improve the deductible or reduced the cost. please use this rate factors.

Deductible Rate Factors. Deductible Rate Factors.
US $ Zero 1.25 US $500 .90
US $100 1.10 US $1,000 .80
US $250 1.00 US $2,500 .70

If you or other family members applying for coverage are age 65 or older, please see the Eligibility section in the brochure for additional information.

The following rates are discounted rates for on-line purchase.

All premium rates are in U.S. dollars. Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable. A dependent child is your child shown on the Application Form over 14 days and under 18 years of age, traveling with you, and for whom premium has been paid. The following rates are on base of $250 deductible in all the policy maximum options

$50,000 Maximum
Option 2
$100,000 Maximum
Option 3
$500,000 Maximum
Option 4
$1,000,000 Maximum
AGE Monthly Rates
18-29 $37.00 $46.00 $59.00 $71.00
30-39 $49.00 $62.00 $78.00 $91.00
40-49 $73.00 $90.00 $119.00 $133.00
50-59 $107.00 $138.00 $169.00 $194.00
60-64 $135.00 $174.00 $207.00 $248.00
65-69 $154.00 $208.00 $226.00 $270.00
70-79 $208.00 N/A N/A N/A
80+* $362.00 N/A N/A N/A
DEP. CHILD $34.00 $41.00 $53.00 $59.00
CHILD ALONE $37.00 $46.00 $59.00 $66.00
* $10,000 Maximum
$50,000 Maximum
Option 2
$100,000 Maximum
Option 3
$500,000 Maximum
Option 4
$1,000,000 Maximum
  Daily Rates (Minimum length of coverage is 5 days)
18-29 $1.25 $1.55 $2.20 $2.40
30-39 $1.65 $2.10 $2.60 $3.05
40-49 $2.45 $3.00 $4.00 $4.45
50-59 $3.60 $4.60 $5.65 $6.50
60-64 $4.50 $5.85 $6.95 $8.35
65-69 $5.15 $7.00 $7.60 $9.05
70-79 $6.95 N/A N/A N/A
80+* $12.10 N/A N/A N/A
DEP. CHILD $1.15 $1.40 $1.80 $2.00
CHILD ALONE $1.25 $1.55 $2.00 $2.25
* $10,000 Maximum

Nationwide PPO Network

You may seek treatment under Patriot Travel Medical Insurance Plan worldwide, including in the United States, with the hospital or doctor of your choice. When seeking treatment in the U.S., you may use the independent Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) contracted by IMG, a separately organized network (First Health Group) of approximately 500,000 physicians and 4,700 privately owned and operated hospitals. * This PPO network includes a large number of hospitals including some of the most well recognized university medical centers and transplant facilities.

Using this provider network could significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

When a U.S. hospital outside the network is used, a co-payment of US $250 is required in addition to the regular deductible and coinsurance. This co-payment is waived, however, if there is not a network provider within 50 miles of the location of treatment.

Each proposed hospital admission, inpatient or outpatient surgery, and certain other medical procedures must be Pre-certified for medical necessity. This means the insured person or their attending physician must call the number listed on the IMG identification card prior to admittance to a hospital or performance of a surgery, or medical procedure. In the case of an emergency hospital admission, the Pre-certification call must be made within 48 hours of the admission, or as soon as reasonably possible. For a complete list of procedures requiring Pre-certification, please refer to your certificate wording.

If Pre-certification guidelines are not followed, eligible claims and expenses will be reduced by 50%.


Plan Maximum $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, $1,00,000, $2,000,000
Deductible Your choice of $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or $2,500

On the Application Form, you will be asked to circle your choice of a deductible. Your premium rate is dependent on the deductible you choose. Please see the Application Form for more information.

Coinsurance As described below

For treatment received within the U.S. & Canada:
In the PPO Network: The plan pays 90% of eligible expenses up to $5,000, then 100% up to the Policy Maximum
Outside the PPO Network: The plan pays 80% of eligible expenses up to $5,000, then 100% up to the Policy Maximum

For treatment received outside the U.S. & Canada: No coinsurance [100% coverage up to the Policy Maximum]

Sudden and Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition

(Non U.S. citizens only) For those under age 65, the Plan will pay up to a $50,000 lifetime maximum for eligible medical expenses. For those ages 65 and older, Patriot America Group will pay up to $2,500 lifetime maximum.

(U.S. citizens only) For those up to age 65 with a primary health the plan will pay the Usual, Reasonable and Customary charges of a sudden and unexpected recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition (defined on page 16) up to the plan maximum. For those without a primary health plan, the plan will pay up to a $20,000 lifetime maximum. For those ages 65 and older, with or without a primary health plan, Plan will pay up to a $2,500 lifetime maximum. The primary health plan must have existed prior to the effective date and during coverage of the Plan, and the Pre-existing Condition must be covered under the primary health plan.

In addition, up to $25,000 will be paid for the eligible costs and expenses of an Emergency Medical Evacuation arising or resulting from a sudden and unexpected recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition.

Renewal of Coverage One month

If your Patriot plan is purchased for a minimum of one month, coverage may be renewed (unless there is a break in coverage) for a total of up to two years. Renewals are available in whole month or daily increments and may be completed online or by using a paper application, however, renewals of less than one month are available only online. For each renewal of less than one month completed online, you will be charged an additional $5 processing fee. Each insured person must only satisfy one deductible and coinsurance within each 12 month coverage period.

Benefit Period Six months

If a covered injury or illness requires continuing treatment after the Period of Coverage expires, the six-month Benefit Period may offer continued coverage for that injury or illness. When the Certificate expires, the Company will review the date of initial treatment for the covered injury or illness. If treatment began less than six months before the Period of Coverage expired, benefits for the covered injury or illness continues. This is subject to the Maximum Limits and the other terms of the plan until there have been six months of continuous coverage for the covered injury or illness.

SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS   (all amounts listed are in U.S. dollars)
MEDICAL BENEFITS Usual, reasonable and customary charges, subject to deductible and coinsurance
Hospital Room and Board Up to Policy Maximum for average semi-private room rate
Intensive Care Up to Policy Maximum
Medical Expenses Up to Policy Maximum
Outpatient Medical Up to Policy Maximum
Local Ambulance Up to Policy Maximum
Prescription Drugs Up to Policy Maximum
Emergency Room Accident Up to Policy Maximum
Emergency Room Illness with In-patient Admission Up to Policy Maximum
Emergency Room Illness without In-patient Admission Up to the Maximum Limit with additional $250 deductible
Dental - Injury Due to Accident Up to the Maximum Limit
Dental - Sudden Dental Emergency Up to $100
Hospital Daily Indemnity Up to $100 per night up to a maximum of 10 days
INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY CARE (when coordinated through the Plan Administrator)
Emergency Evacuation Up to $500,000 lifetime maximum (independent of policy maximum)

The Patriot plans offer coverage for Emergency Medical Evacuation to the nearest qualified medical facility; expenses for reasonable transportation resulting from the evacuation; and the cost of returning to either the home country or the country where the evacuation occurred, up to a $500,000 lifetime maximum (independent of the Maximum Limit).

Emergency Reunion Up to $50,000

Each Patriot plan also offers Emergency Reunion coverage, up to $50,000 for a maximum of 15 days, for the reasonable travel and lodging expenses of a relative or friend during an Emergency Medical Evacuation: either the cost of accompanying the insured during the evacuation or traveling from the home country to be reunited with the insured.

Return of Mortal Remains Or Cremation/Burial Up to $50,000

If a covered illness/injury results in death, expenses for Repatriation of bodily remains or ashes to the home country will be covered up to a maximum of $50,000; or up to $5,000 for the preparation, local burial or cremation of your mortal remains at the place of death.

Returning Minor Children Up to $50,000

If a covered illness/injury results in a hospitalization and/or death of the insured person, and he/she is traveling alone with child(ren) 19 or under that otherwise would be left unattended, the Patriot plans will pay up to $50,000 for one way economy fare to their home country, including a chaperone, if necessary, for the safety of the child(ren).

To be eligible for the Evacuation, Reunion and Return benefits, these must be recommended by the attending physician in life-threatening medical situations, and approved in advance and coordinated by IMG.

Political Evacuation Up to $10,000

If the United States Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, or similar government organization of the insured person's home country, orders the evacuation of all non-emergency government personnel from the host country, due to political unrest, that becomes effective on or after the insured person's date of arrival in the host country, the Company pays up to a $10,000 lifetime maximum for transportation to the nearest place of safety or for repatriation to the insured person's home country or country of residence provided that:

  1. The insured person contacts the Company within 10 days of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, or similar government organization of the insured person's home country, issuance of the evacuation order; and
  2. The evacuation order pertains to persons from the same home country as the insured person; and
  3. Political Evacuation and Repatriation is approved and coordi¬nated by the Company; In no event will the Company pay for a political evacuation if there is a travel warning in effect on or within six (6) months prior to the insured person's date of arrival in the host country.
Home Country Coverage As described below

Incidental Home Country Coverage During the Period of Coverage an insured person may return to their home country for incidental visits up to a cumulative two weeks total, subject to:

  1. The insured person must have left their home country,
  2. The total Period of Coverage must be for a minimum of 30 days, and
  3. The return to the home country may not be taken to receive treatment for an illness or injury incurred while traveling.

End of Trip Home Country Coverage For every five months of continuous coverage you purchase, you can purchase one additional month of home country coverage as an accommodation and supplemental travel benefit, up to a maxi¬mum of two months. To purchase this special home country exten¬sion coverage, please calculate your premium on the Application Form to include the additional month(s).

Trip Interruption Up to $5,000

If, during a covered trip, there is an unexpected death of an immedi¬ate family member (spouse, child, parent or sibling), a break-in at the insured's principle residence, or the substantial destruction of the insured's principal residence due to a fire or natural disaster, each Patriot plan pays to return the insured to the area of principal residence. The plan pays for a one way air or ground transportation ticket of the same class as the unused travel ticket, less the value of the unused return ticket.

Lost Luggage Up to $50 per item of personal property; maximum of $250 per Period of Coverage

A benefit of $50 per luggage item, up to a maximum of $250, is payable in the event that the Common Carrier permanently loses an insured person's checked luggage while in transit. This cover¬age is secondary to any other available reimbursement, including the Carrier's.

Sports and Activities Coverage  

Each Patriot plan covers injuries incurred during athletic activities which are non-organized, non-contact and engaged in by the insured person solely for leisure, recreation, entertainment or fitness purpos¬es. Some of these sports and activities include, but are not limited to, motor cycle/motorscooter riding, recreational downhill and/or cross country snow skiing, horseback riding, sub-aquatic activities (to 10m), wakeboarding, and water skiing. However, activities not covered include amateur or professional sports or other athletic activity which is organized and/or sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (and/or any other collegiate sanctioning or government body), or the International Olympic Committee, and or Adventure Sports. Please note this is only a summary of sports and activities and exclusions. For additional information, please refer to the Certificate of Insurance.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment $25,000 principal sum

Each Patriot plan offers a $25,000 principal sum benefit for Accidental Death and Dismemberment occurring during the Period of Coverage: • Accidental Loss of life - principal sum • Accidental Loss of two Members - principal sum • Accidental Loss of one Member - 50% of principal sum. "Member" means hand, foot or eye.

Terrorism Coverage Up to $50,000 lifetime maximum

Each Patriot plan provides coverage for injuries and illness incurred as a result of an act of Terrorism, limited in amount and by cir¬cumstances. If an insured person is injured as a result of an act of Terrorism, and the insured person has no direct or indirect par¬ticipation in the act, the plan reimburses eligible medical claims subject to a $50,000 lifetime maximum. Terrorism includes criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the pur¬pose to provide a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a population, or compel a government or international organization to do or to abstain from doing an act. However, this benefit does not cover an act of Terrorism in any country or location where the United States gov¬ernment has issued a travel advisory that has been in effect within the six months prior to the insured person's date of arrival. In addi¬tion, claims incurred as a result of radiological, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or events are not covered.

This benefit also does not cover an act of Terrorism in the event that an advisory to leave a certain country or location is issued by the United States government after the insured person's arrival date, and the insured person unreasonably fails or refuses to heed such warning or depart the country or location.

Identity Theft Assistance Up to $500 per Period of Coverage

If an imposter obtains key personal information such as a Social Security or Driver's License number, or other meth¬od of identifying an insured person in order to impersonate or obtain credit, merchandise or services in the insured person's name, the Patriot plans provide coverage up to $500 for the reasonable, customary and necessary costs incurred by the insured for: re-filing a loan or other credit application that is rejected solely as a result of the stolen identity event; notarization of legal documents, long distance telephone calls, and postage that has resulted solely as a result of reporting, amending and/or rectifying records as a result of the stolen identity event; up to three credit reports obtained within one year of the insured person's knowledge of the stolen identity event; and stop payment orders placed on missing or unauthorized checks as a result of the stolen identity event.
The identity theft event must occur during the Period of Coverage.

Hospital Daily Indemnity

Each plan pays $100 directly to the insured person for each night of a required overnight stay in a hospital up to a maximum of 10 days. The hospital stay must be covered under this plan in order to receive this benefit. This benefit is not available for Patriot America (non-U.S. citizens) if the hospitalization is due to the Sudden Recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition.

Description of Optional Riders:


The Adventure Sports Rider is available on both Patriot plans for those up to the age of 65. The following activities are covered to the lifetime maximum amounts listed on page four as long as they are engaged solely for leisure, recreation, or entertainment purposes: abseiling, BMX, bobsledding, bungee jumping, canyon¬ing, caving, hang gliding, heli-skiing, high diving, hot air balloon¬ing, inline skating, jet skiing, jungle zip lining, kayaking, mountain biking, parachuting, paragliding, parascending, piloting a non-commercial aircraft, rappelling, rock climbing or mountaineering (ropes and guides to 4500m from ground level), scuba diving (to 50m), skydiving, snorkeling, snowboarding, snowmobiling, snow skiing, spelunking, surfing, trekking, whitewater rafting (to Class V), wildlife safaris, and windsurfing. All such activities must be carried out in strict accordance with the rules, regulations and guidelines of the applicable Governing Body or Authority of each such activity. Certain sports activities are never covered, regardless of whether or not you purchase the Adventure Sports Rider. Please see page 16, exclusion 8. Please note this is only a summary of Adventure Sports and exclusions. For additional information, please refer to the Certificate of Insurance.


This optional rider is available to insureds up to age 65. It offers cov¬erage for medical evacuations for sudden and unexpected medical conditions that are not life-threatening, and where hospitalization is medically necessary. It also offers coverage for evacuations as a result of a natural disaster. This rider must be purchased for a minimum of one month regardless of the minimum number of days being traveled.

Natural Disaster $100 per day for five days

This benefit is available in the event an insured person is required to depart his/her destination due to an evacuation order issued by prevailing authorities in connection with a Natural Disaster. Natural Disaster is defined as widespread disruption of human lives by disasters such as flood, drought, tidal wave, fire, hurricane, earthquake, windstorm, or other storm, landslide, or other natural catastrophe or event resulting in migration of the population for its safety.

Common Carrier Accidental Death $50,000 to Beneficiary; maximum of $250,000 per family

If accidental death should occur while traveling on a commercial Common Carrier, $50,000 will be paid to the designated beneficiary, to a maximum of $250,000 per family.


This optional coverage is available for the primary insured person only. This coverage is in addition to the Accidental Death and Dismemberment already included in the Patriot plans. This rider is available with a minimum purchase of one month of medical and AD&D rider coverage.


When purchased at the time of application, the Citizenship Return Rider provides temporary medical coverage for non-U.S. citizens returning to their country of citizenship. For U.S. citizens, the rider provides up to 60 days of coverage for brief returns to the U.S. provided you have a current health plan in force and have resided outside the U.S. continuously for the past six months. Coverage for sudden recurrence of pre-existing conditions is excluded if the rider is selected. For premium information, please see the back of the Application Form.

Plan : 2 Patriot American Plus

Patriot America Plus provides coverage for Non-U.S. citizens (Foreign national ( Parent's or relatives)) traveling USA or outside their home country. The plan offers a complete package of international benefits available 24 hours a day to individuals, families, and groups of five or more travelers. The plan provides a wide range of plan $50,000, $100,000 & $500,000 maximum limits and $0 to $2500 deductible options, and it is available for a minimum of 5 days up to a maximum of two years, in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract.

Sudden and Unexpected Recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition (Click following link for more benefits detail)
Medical (Non U.S. citizens only) Click for more information

Patriot American Plus BENEFITS

  • Non-US citizens visiting USA or traveling worldwide
  • Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition prior to age 70 - Medical Expenses
  • In PPO 90% up to first $5,000 and 100% thereafter
  • Outside USA & Canada: 100% after deductible
  • Includes Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Coverage period: 5 days to 2 years
  • Available for all ages
  • Apply online & Get instant ID cards

View Brochure & Application Get Quote/Buy Online


Option 2
Option 3
AGE Monthly Rates
18-29 $42.00 $52.00 $66.00
30-39 $55.00 $70.00 $88.00
40-49 $82.00 $101.00 $135.00
50-59 $120.00 $155.00 $190.00
60-64 $152.00 $196.00 $233.00
65-69 $173.00 $234.00 $254.00
70-79 $235.00 N/A N/A
80+* $407*.00 N/A N/A
DEP. CHILD $38.00 $46.00 $60.00
CHILD ALONE $42.00 $52.00 $66.00
*80+ individuals are limited to a $10,000 Maximum Limit
Option 2
Option 3
AGE Daily Rates
18-29 $1.35 $1.70 $2.15
30-39 $1.80 $2.25 $2.85
40-49 $2.65 $3.25 $4.35
50-59 $3.90 $5.00 $6.15
60-64 $4.90 $6.30 $7.50
65-69 $5.60 $7.55 $8.20
70-79 $7.60 N/A N/A
80+* $13.15 N/A N/A
DEP. CHILD $1.25 $1.50 $1.95
CHILD ALONE $1.35 $1.70 $2.15
*80+ individuals are limited to a $10,000 Maximum Limit

Enhanced AD&D Rider *
Additional AD&D Coverage Monthly Rate
$100,000 $8
$200,000 $16
$300,000 $24
$400,000 $32

*Available to the primary insured only. Available to insureds that are applying for 3 months of Patriot America Plus coverage. Premium is charged in whole month increments.

Nationwide PPO Network

You may seek treatment under Patriot Travel Medical Insurance Plan worldwide, including in the United States, with the hospital or doctor of your choice. When seeking treatment in the U.S., you may use the independent Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) contracted by IMG, a separately organized network (First Health Group) of approximately 500,000 physicians and 4,700 privately owned and operated hospitals. * This PPO network includes a large number of hospitals including some of the most well recognized university medical centers and transplant facilities.

Using this provider network could significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

When a U.S. hospital outside the network is used, a co-payment of US $250 is required in addition to the regular deductible and coinsurance. This co-payment is waived, however, if there is not a network provider within 50 miles of the location of treatment.

Each proposed hospital admission, inpatient or outpatient surgery, and certain other medical procedures must be Pre-certified for medical necessity. This means the insured person or their attending physician must call the number listed on the IMG identification card prior to admittance to a hospital or performance of a surgery, or medical procedure. In the case of an emergency hospital admission, the Pre-certification call must be made within 48 hours of the admission, or as soon as reasonably possible. For a complete list of procedures requiring Pre-certification, please refer to your certificate wording.

If Pre-certification guidelines are not followed, eligible claims and expenses will be reduced by 50%.


Maximum Limits $50,000, $100,000, $500,000
Individual Deductible $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500
Coinsurance - for treatment received outside the U.S. & Canada No Coinsurance
Coinsurance - for treatment received outside the U.S. & Canada In the PPO Network- The plan pays 90% of eligible medical expenses up to $5,000, then 100%
Out of the PPO Network - The plan pays 80% of eligible medical expenses up to $5,000, then 100%
Continuation of Treatment Period Earlier of 6 months per Injury or Illness or upon return to Home Country
MyIMGSM 24 hour secure access from anywhere in the world to manage your account at anytime
World-class Medical Benefits Coverage available for eligible inpatient and outpatient medical expenses
International Emergency Care A wide range of international emergency benefits available including emergency evacuation, emergency reunion, return of mortal remains, return of minor children and more
INPATIENT/OUTPATIENT BENEFITS Subject to the coinsurance and deductible when applicable and Usual, Reasonable, and Customary (URC)
Hospital Room and Board URC
average semi-private room rate
Intensive Care Unit URC
Eligible Medical Expenses URC
Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition prior to age 70 - Medical Expenses URC
Local Ambulance URC
Prescription Medication URC
Emergency Room Accident URC
Emergency Room Illness with In-patient Admission URC
Emergency Room Illness without In-patient Admission URC with additional $250 deductible
Dental - Treatment related to an Accident URC
Dental - Emergency $100 maximum
Hospital Daily Indemnity $100 per overnight, up to a maximum of 10 overnights
Terrorism $50,000 lifetime maximum
Recreational Sports & Activities URC for non-organized, non-contact, and non-collision activities
EVACUATION BENEFITS Not subject to a deductible or coinsurance.
Emergency Medical Evacuation $500,000 lifetime maximum
(independent of the Maximum Limit)
Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition prior to age 70 - Emergency Medical Evacuation $25,000 lifetime maximum
Emergency Reunion $50,000 lifetime maximum
Return of Mortal Remains or Cremation/Burial $50,000 for Return of Mortal Remains or
$5,000 for Cremation/Burial
Return of Minor Children $50,000 lifetime maximum
Political Evacuation $10,000 lifetime maximum
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Not subject to a deductible or coinsurance.
Incidental Trips Up to a cumulative two weeks
End of Trip Home Country Coverage One month for every six months of continuous coverage,
up to two months maximum
Trip Interruption $5,000 maximum
Common Carrier Accidental Death $50,000 to beneficiary; maximum of $250,000 per family
Accidental Death & Dismemberment $25,000 principal sum
Lost Luggage $50 per item; maximum of $250
Natural Disaster $100 per day for five days maximum
Identity Theft $500 maximum
Other than the Enhanced AD&D Rider, optional riders can be requested and apply to all eligible individuals listed on the Application.
Adventure Sports Rider
(available to insureds up to age 65)
AgeLifetime Maximum
0 - 49$50,000
50 - 59$30,000
60 - 64$15,000
Enhanced AD&D Rider
(available to the primary insured only)
Up to the Maximum Limit
Evacuation Plus Rider
(available to insureds up to age 65)
Non Life-threatening Medical Evacuation: Up to a maximum of
$25,000. Natural Disaster Evacuation: Up to a maximum of $5,000