Travelling gives a mixed experience of excitement and adversities! Every group travelling should be well prepared for unforeseen difficulties. In cases of adverse situations, a flexible group travel insurance scheme can be of much help. Patriot America insurance offers insurance coverage to US/ non US citizens (most importantly in groups of five or more) travelling frequently to US for business/ vacation. This is a suitable plan for missionaries, youth groups, students, tour participants and many other charitable organizations that frequently travel in groups round the year.
(Non U.S. citizens only) For those under age 65, the Plan will pay up to a $50,000 lifetime maximum for eligible medical expenses. For those ages 65 and older, the Plan will pay up to $2,500 lifetime maximum.
(U.S. citizens only) For those up to age 65 with a primary health the Plan will pay the Usual, Reasonable and Customary charges of a sudden and unexpected recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition (defined on page 16) up to the plan maximum. For those without a primary health plan, the plan will pay up to a $20,000 lifetime maximum. For those ages 65 and older, with or without a primary health plan, the Plan pay up to a $2,500 lifetime maximum. The primary health plan must have existed prior to the effective date and during coverage of the Plan, and the Pre-existing Condition must be covered under the primary health plan.
In addition, up to $25,000 will be paid to U.S. and non-U.S. citizens for the eligible costs and expenses of an Emergency Medical Evacuation arising or resulting from a sudden and unexpected recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition