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Patriot Green Travel Insurance

If you are an environment-concerned traveler, we have a special travel insurance plan for you too! The patriot green travel insurance is designed for those international travelers who have a special concern for the safety and sustainability of environment. So if you are a responsible eco-tourist, secure it with patriot green travel insurance. This policy is delivered by an ISO 14001:2004 certified company IMG.

Service features include:

  • Short term medical travel insurance for individuals only
  • Insurance coverage for minimum 5 days and maximum 2 years
  • Applicable for both US and non US citizens
  • Includes eco sports riders (cave tubing, wildlife safaris, etc.)
  • Easily available for purchase and renewal online
  • 24 hour secure access to accounts irrespective of the geographical location
  • Paperless product, thus making the entire policy more eco-friendly!
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